Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Made it back...

Sore as Hell but still in one piece. Made a trip up to Angel Fire New Mexico last Thursday and found out just how true this stupid t-shirt was.....Apparently I'm a snowboarder. Which makes sense seeing how i hate water skiing & will wake board any day.

Not my thing.....But...It's done, i can say I've been i guess.

Got all the wiring supplies i needed before i left so hopefully i can get the harness knocked out sometime this week....My work schedule changed & its kicking my ass! If I could clock out at 1:30-2 like the assholes said i should be off by it would be that much more sweeter of a change, Oh well, the overtime is nice...Just feel like a damn zombie by the time i do get off. Makes it hard to wanna do shit. Still waiting on all the spacers i need to get the back wheel & brake caliper locked down & the spacers & bungs for the fender so i can weld those up & figure out how to get the sissy bar mounted...I love having a couple of buddies that work at a machine shop who can get me anything i need done out of what ever material i want under the table so to speak. Done right, with the right equipment for nothing more then a case of beer....BUT, I am going to start drinking this beer one by one the longer you fuckers make me wait! Back to choppin.....

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