Thursday, September 1, 2011


Me, Kyle, Heath & Don Wood were bored....So we hopped on into town where there is a new little sports type bar with A fuckin C!! Kansas is a miserable, flat, windy, HOT, square HELL hole to me & don't know if I'll ever go back hahah! Twice is enough for me i think....Don Wood said fuck this lets go make some memories.So...all these locals showed up about the time we did, round noon for family lunch time i suppose, and it was a little uncomfortable till i seen a juke box in the corner & i say to Kyle, "Wonder if they have any Slayer on that thing?" Jokingly.....He took it serious and fired that bitch up with a couple of greenbacks & they were not happy HAHAHAHA, But then the cook turned it up to 11 & made it even better! We ended up staying there 5 fuckin hours & ran the locals off. It Was great. Here's some of the pics, I was really too busy having a good time with just being drunk right after breakfast to take any worth a damn.........

This old boy was huffin & puffin trying to eat his samich....But kept missing his mouth cause he was too worried about what we were doing across the way. I was having a good time watching all his facial expressions everytime Kyle bust out laughing or screamed I LOVE THIS FUCKIN SONG!

I think Don Wood danced with anything that moved the time we were there....

Why can't you say Scalp'em anymore??

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